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Fundraising and Partnership Policy


The Fair Employment Foundation (FEF) and its subsidiary entities welcome funds and partnerships to resource its activities. This policy provides a framework for how fundraising and partnership activities at FEF and its subsidiary entities are carried out to ensure legal, statutory, and regulatory compliance, and to maintain its reputation and adherence to its principles and mission. This policy is reviewed every few years, or more frequently as necessitated by legislation and/or guidance from official bodies or industry best practice.


The following principles should be considered in guiding all fundraising and partnership activities: 


  • Independence: FEF and its subsidiaries must remain in control of the strategic direction and nature of the work. Funds raised through donations and partnerships must not impinge upon the independence of FEF and its subsidiaries. 

  •  Integrity: FEF and its subsidiaries must have confidence that its funding sources, partnerships, and the respective affiliations do not compromise its organizational values. The Board of Directors reserves the right to decline or return funds where the reputation or integrity of the donors or grant making institutions may be under doubt. 

  • Strategic fit: The activities and objectives of donors, grant making institutions, and partner organizations should be in alignment with the mission and objectives of FEF and its subsidiaries. 


FEF and its subsidiary entities will only accept funds and/or enter into partnerships where the following requirements are met: 

  • Transparency: Donors, grant making institutions, and partner organizations must be transparent with regard to their political activities and affiliations. 

  • Ethical sources: FEF and its subsidiaries will not accept any funds from donors, grant making institutions, and partner organizations directly involved with any unethical activities, subject to the considerations of the Board of Directors. 

  • Independence: Funding received should not give the impression that FEF or its subsidiaries is owned by a third party, or under the disproportionate influence of the donor, grant making institution, or partner organization.

  • Legality: Funds must be, and, as far as is ascertainable, wholly legal under applicable law.  

The FEF Board of Directors will make every effort to ensure this policy is applied to all of our fundraising and partnership activities, and will evaluate and provide guidance on circumstances where a refund from a donation or partnership is warranted. 

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